We offer three types of dog training in Redditch: 1:1 training, group behavioural and obedience training, and puppy classes.

Contact our friendly team to arrange your dog training in Redditch.

1:1 training

Individual dog training

£35 a session

We offer 1:1 training sessions in the comfort of your own home. These sessions are totally tailored to you and your dog’s personal training needs. We will focus on any issues you are experiencing with your dog’s behavior, using positive training methods only. These sessions are typically 1.5hours and we will leave you with a dedicated training plan.

I also do a 1:1 training at home service which is tailored to you and your dog to work around your own personal training needs. We can focus on any issues you may have with your dog’s behaviour and use positive reinforcement to overcome these issues.

Group obedience training

Group dog training

£5 a 45 minute session

Dog walking in Redditch and Studley

We currently hold 3 puppy training groups and 3 obedience training groups on a Monday and Thursday evening at Beoley Village Hall. The puppy groups are from 12 weeks once fully vaccinated. Obedience groups are all mixed ability, for all ages and very light-hearted. We welcome all the family along and love to include our child handlers.

We cover the basics of sit, down and stand stay, heel on and off lead, recall, retrieve, food refusal and more. All in an easy and fun way.

Visit our Facebook group and ask to join. All the videos are under the ‘media’ section in the album ‘training videos’.

Puppy classes

Puppy dog training

£35 a session

I currently hold 2 puppy training groups and 2 obedience training groups on a Monday evening at Beoley Village Hall. The puppy groups are from 12 weeks once fully vaccinated. Obedience groups are all mixed ability, for all ages and very light-hearted. We welcome all the family along and love to include our child handlers.

We cover the basics of sit, down and stand stay, heel on and off lead, recall, retrieve, food refusal and more. All in an easy and fun way. This group is not meant to make anyone a Crufts champion, but just to create a stronger bond between owner and dog.

Contact our friendly team to arrange your Dog Training in Redditch